Artist Hannah Crooks

Our warmest congratulations to young artist, Hannah Crooks, whose award-winning photographs have been awarded the Adam Bruce Thomson Award by the Royal Scottish Academy and are being exhibited as part of their ‘New Contemporaries Exhibition’ in Edinburgh until 11th March 2020.

For the visual material in Art Sung – Alma Mahler, Hannah created beautiful hand drawn dates which took their inspiration from those Alma drew in her diary.  At the time, Hannah was embarking on her tertiary Art education at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), University of Dundee. She went on to win the Jill Todd Futureproof photographic award in 2019 as well as being chosen by Street Level Photoworks Glasgow to have her work used as part of a partnership project with Luovake – Centre of Creative Photography in Jyväskylä, Finland. Her images were projected at night in a pop-up space in the city.

Using the medium of photography, Hannah uses vibrant, bold colour to explore feminist themes such as the subjugation of women. Through her images she aims to show support and empathy for women’s issues globally and give a voice to the voiceless.


Clara Goes to Paris


Art Sung – Clara Schumann flyer